photos:2010:Scenes along USFS-42 just above Dahlonega

Sam rides along the spine of the Appalachians on USFS-42 after a snow storm in 8 degree weather and deep drifts.

The rover is in its element. Cotton field snow The huskies are ready to pull. 155157 1015009722971..38 8031506 1979703 n

155789 1015009722815..38 8031473 1882824 n 156782 1015009722959..38 8031504 6904820 n Rime ice 156872 1015009722818..38 8031476 6593323 n

162676 1015009723013..38 8031516 6308933 n 162706 1015009722891..38 8031492 8015642 n Winter wonderland Snow-covered boulderfield

163975 1015009722807..38 8031471 7928689 n 164015 1015009722858..38 8031484 6712382 n 8 degrees at sunset 164186 1015009722951..38 8031501 5163096 n

Evidence of the wind..trunks of the trees. No guard rails 58033 10150097228230..38 8031477 7567433 n 63438 10150097228535..38 8031482 1045887 n

63467 10150097230005..38 8031513 6378451 n On top of Hawk Mountain 65422 10150097228670..38 8031487 7593105 n Begging to be explored

Pristine The ice wall Deep drifts